An industrial sized drone pulls Jason Lee on hydrofoil paddle board through Morro Bay! Using many motors and two 16,000mAh batteries, the custom built Hexacopter pulled the paddle boarder for up to 20 minutes on the water! After reaching a high enough speed the hydrofoil paddle board lifted out of the water, allowing the drone [...]
Category Archives: Surfing
Hydrofoil Surfing has opened up a lot of uncrowded surf locations with huge potential for the ultimate foil ride. Pismo & Oceano Beach has a long history of close out waves & mushy surf. At high tide the hydrofoil is fast enough to beat closeout sections and power through any mushy surf. Check out this [...]
The California Kiteboarding SUP crew is loving this amazing Winter weather and Winter swell. Some days are just epic. When you can trunk it (or speedo it) in Central California with overhead waves, stand up paddle surfing is a dream! Watching this video really pumps our team up for more adventures. It's great having a group [...]
It’s every surfer’s, paddleboarder’s, kiteboarder’s and pretty much anyone who spends a large amount of time in the ocean’s biggest fear: the great white shark. It’s usually a pretty unwarranted fear driven by movies, pop culture, and sensationalized news media. Shark attacks are extremely rare. Though George Burgess, director of the International Shark Attack File […]